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Three French Bullgod Puppies


Do you want to be able to bring your puppy along for a puppy play date in a safe space?
Do you want to meet other puppy owners with puppies of the same or similar age?
At PADS Wellness Studio I have set up a space where this can happen.

The object is for puppies to be able to come and enjoy the space, learn puppy skills at their own pace and learn to intergrate with other puppies.  

NB: This is not Polite Puppy School - POLITE PUPPY SCHOOL IS based out of Church St Vets, Mudgee

Cost $120 for 4 x 1hr sessions

Please contact Church St Vets to Book - NOT PADS


Puppy Play Group is about helping your puppy meet and greet away from a class situation with other puppies of the same age and size.  The object is to keep it as relaxed as possible and a happy place for puppies to be able to freely learn, investigate how to be a puppy, appropriate play and learning motor skills,  and how to manage their behaviour and discover new things such as texture, tunnels, toys etc.  


This is a 1 hr session with a maxiumim group of 4 puppies per group. OWNERS MUST STAY WITH THEIR PUPPIES - This is not a drop off and leave service.


There is no teaching, this all about the puppy and appropriate puppy play. 

For puppy parents its about being able to chat amongst yourselves and play with the puppies in a safe space, discuss puppy issues and what has worked for you. 

This is also about making lifelong friends and helping each other out in situations such as having to go away for the day/weekend etc, the puppies should be in a good space to be able to to have a puppy friend (Sleepover) over rather than your puppies having to go into a boarding kennel or have a dog sitter if the other puppy owner is willing to care for your puppy.  


This is based at PADS Wellness Studio which is based in Mudgee CBD.


COST $30 for 1hr per puppy

Maximum of 4 puppies


NB:  We currently do not have an available toilet at the premises so please make sure you go before heading out to the PADS Wellness Studio. (This is a work in progress and I hope to have one available in the future.





  • Please contact Adele via phone or email to book.  A link will be available to book from in the near future.

  • Adele will require your name and address, contact numbers and email address.  

  • Adele will require your puppys name, DOB, Vaccination Status with dates, microchip number and photo of your puppy for their file



  • All payments for the course are expected to be paid at the time of booking or before arriving at PADS Wellness Centre.  This will be organise as an invoice to your email address which can paid direct into the PADS Bank Account or paid via Paypal.  Eftos is available but can be temperamental.  I prefer not to have cash on the premises

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  • This is a casual meet and greet for you all to enjoy, please be respectful with others in the room.

  • Please feel free to bring along a drink and something to eat if you wish but please remember our focus is on welcoming these puppies for some fun and play.  

  • You may bring treats but please be aware that other puppies may also want some.

  • If bringing treats please ask the owner of the puppy first before offereing treats to their puppy in case of sensitivity or allergies to particular treats.



  • Puppies need to have at least 1 Vaccination, wormed and flea treated and must be 8 weeks to 16 weeks of age.



  • Older dogs that use the facility at other times are only allowed in if fully vaccinated.

  • The area is cleaned with Safe4 Disinfectant after each session.

  • Fresh water is available for puppies to drink or play in. 

  • The water used is town water.




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